San Mateo County Building Decarbonization Strategy 2024-2025 - CivicWell

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San Mateo County Building Decarbonization Strategy 2024-2025

By Avana Andrade, San Mateo County

Climate Change & Energy


December 11, 2024


To make progress toward carbon neutrality goals, many jurisdictions in San Mateo County have adopted climate action plans that call for rapid and equitable greenhouse gas emissions reductions in new and existing buildings. Meeting emissions reduction targets in the building sector requires dramatically reducing the use of fossil fuels in our residential and commercial buildings. This “building decarbonization” involves replacing gas appliances with electric models, improving energy efficiency, and installing solar and backup battery technology.

The San Mateo County Sustainability Department is launching a Building Decarbonization Strategy (Here) to support San Mateo County jurisdictions and the unincorporated communities in making this transition. The Strategy includes five initiatives being implemented in collaboration with other agencies and organizations. County staff are leveraging the Regionally Integrated Climate Action Planning Support (RICAPS) collaborative and relationships with the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County, Peninsula Clean Energy, Bay Area Regional Energy Network, Pacific Gas and Electric Company and community-based organizations to implement these policy development, program delivery, and communications efforts.

The multi-pronged initiative involves the following policy and program components: 

  1. New Building Reach Code: The County recently replaced the reach code paused earlier this year (in light of the Berkeley ruling) with a new performance-based reach code to limit the installation of methane gas appliances in new construction. Although each jurisdiction undertakes its own reach code, RICAPS provides opportunities for co-learning and peer sharing to support the process.
  2. Permit Simplification: The Sustainability Department is spearheading research about effective approaches for simplifying the permitting process for heat pump water heaters and will then conduct a pilot to support 10 jurisdictions in implementing the research findings. 
  3. Electrification Communications Campaign: We’re working on developing a tailored suite of messaging materials for target audiences to highlight the benefits and feasibility of electrification and dispel misinformation about electric appliances. This project evolved based on feedback from city staff during RICAPS climate collaborative meetings in 2023. 
  4. Existing Building Electrification Roadmap: We’re planning to develop an equity-centered roadmap for decarbonizing existing building stock in unincorporated San Mateo County and creating local workforce development opportunities to support decarbonization countywide. 
  5. “Neighborhood” Electrification Pilot: We’re scoping a pilot to replace methane gas equipment with all-electric appliances in a group of buildings in a geographic area to test approaches to scaling electrification.

The Sustainability Department is undertaking these projects with the aim that the research, community engagement, and policy recommendations can inform and guide efforts across numerous cities and advance the community of practice region wide as well. For updates on these projects please see this website.