Green infrastructure uses natural processes to filter and slow the flow of stormwater, protecting water quality and communities from flooding and restoring waterways. It helps reduce pollutants carried in runoff, mitigate the impact of climate events, increases public access to green space, and supports public health.
While traditional green infrastructure projects can be expensive and time-intensive, small-scale or quick-build projects can convert both paved and existing underutilized green space into highly functional drought and flood-tolerant landscapes within a few months.
With funding from the National Recreation and Park Association’s Great Urban Parks Campaign, CivicWell supported the Cosumnes Community Services District and Urban Rain Design with community engagement and design review in their process of creating an accessible and inclusive park for community members of all abilities. The Elk Grove Nature Park will use green infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff, provide wildlife habitat, and promote environmental awareness.
At this virtual roundtable, Cosumnes Community Services District Chief of Planning, Design, and Construction Paul Mewton and Urban Rain Design Principal Kevin Perry will dive into the planning, design, and construction of the park. We will also be joined by elected officials Jaclyn Moreno of the Cosumnes Community Services District Board and City of Elk Grove Vice Mayor Darren Suen to discuss funding resources and how green infrastructure projects can support Climate Action Plans.
For questions about this event, email Haley Ausserer-Zelaya.
This event is part of CivicWell’s new webinar series highlighting collaborative projects. Each webinar brings together a representative from a local government or community agency and a CivicWell staff member to walk through the project, demystifying the planning process, implementation, challenges faced, and inspire the type of projects that can be possible within your own community.
Although these events will be exclusively for our members in the future, our first events are open to all! We hope you will attend and be inspired to join our member network.
Watch the Recording
Meet the Speakers

Paul Mewton
Chief of Planning, Design, and Construction
Cosumnes Community Services District

Jaclyn Moreno
President, Board of Directors
Cosumnes Community Services District

Kevin Perry
Urban Rain Design

Darren Suen
Vice Mayor
City of Elk Grove

Diana Voss-Gonzalez
Water Project Associate
Paul Mewton
Darren Suen has served on the Elk Grove City Council since 2014. Darren represents the city on the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (Sacramento Area Council of Governments). Regionally, he is also the past Chair of the Sacramento Public Library Authority and past Chair of the Sacramento Transportation Authority. For the city, Darren serves on the Economic Development, Affordable Housing, and Legislative committees. With his civil engineering background, he worked professionally in transportation, water resources, and land use planning.
Diana Voss-Gonzalez
Diana Voss-Gonzalez serves as a Project Associate for CivicWell’s Water and Community Design programs. Before joining CivicWell, Diana worked with nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles, mainly focusing on building stronger and more resilient local communities through the creation of community gardens in L.A. County. Diana graduated from Universidad Marista de Yucatán, Mexico in 2016 with a B.S. on Management of Natural Resources, and later received an M.S. in Agricultural Production with a concentration in Sustainable Business from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.