CivicWell works to advance sustainable community solutions throughout California and the nation. We form strategic partnerships with businesses, philanthropic organizations, nonprofits, and other groups to help create a strong pipeline of transformative projects.
Through our Strategic Partner Program, we connect our network of local government officials with mission-aligned leaders who can provide a range of support—from planning to feasibility to financial implementation.
By becoming a member of the Strategic Partner Program, you expand your impact through cutting-edge initiatives advancing sustainable, equitable, and resilient community solutions.
We strive to provide Strategic Partners with opportunities to build relationships with local elected officials and leaders, deepen your impact, and grow brand recognition in the clean and green economy.
Strategic Partner Benefits
Complimentary attendance at the biennial California Adaptation Forum (CAF)
Complimentary attendance at annual CivicWell Policymakers Conference
Logo in CivicWell’s Impact Report
Logo in CivicWell email newsletter
Social media acknowledgment
Member rates for all CivicWell events
Company spotlight on
Host a webinar for CivicWell members
Customization options (see below)




Premium Benefits
For Strategic Partners at the Platinum and Gold levels, we offer several options to build a customized partnership. We look forward to working with you so you can achieve maximum impact while helping create thriving, climate-resilient communities throughout California and beyond.

Implement Your Unique Idea

Sponsored Content in E-Newsletter or Website Article

Co-Host a CivicWell Event

Co-Author a Policy Endorsement
Become a Strategic Partner
To get started, download our application form. For questions, contact Haley Ausserer-Zelaya at